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Air Quality Progress Reports 2005  Those authorities which identified that there was no need for a detailed assessment in their April 2003 updating and screening assessment were required to produce a Progress Report in 2004 and 2005. The Progress Report follows on from the USA and last progress reportand considers any major developments or changes since the USA was undertaken. Progress reports have been introduced into the Air Quality Review & Assessment program to develop a longer-term vision for both LAQM and the review & Assessment process. The need to keep the process going and prevent stop-starting of LAQM is seen as a method of ensuring continuity and keeping the profile and importance of air quality high. The main aims of the Progress Report are to: · Retain profile of LAQM within authorities · Provides a means for updating the public on air quality information · Help the Local Authority respond to requests for air quality information. · Provides key information and thinking to assist in other policy areas, such as transport and land use planning. · Providing a ready source of information on air quality for developers carrying out environmental assessments for new schemes. · Providing a timely indication of the need for further measures to improve air quality, rather than delaying until the next full round of Review & Assessment. The progress reports for Buckinghamshire Districts are now being checked by DEFRA (As of August 2005). In addition, Wycombe DC, owing to its AQMA were required to report on progress it is making on its Action Plan