Thames Valley Environmental Protection Advisory Group
Introduction TVEPAG provides a forum for the exchangeof specific information between officers ofthe member authorities; the provision ofmutual support; the promotion of aconsistent approach to environmentalprotection throughout the represented area;and the provision of advice to StrategicDirectors and other relevant parties. TERMS OF REFERENCE: - The following terms of reference formed the basis of TVEPAGmeetings and activities throughout the year:•To examine relevant statutory legislation.•To examine non-statutory areas of activity where there is acommon interest. •To examine and comment on appropriate draft documents. •To pool information on equipment / expertise held byrepresented authorities. •To examine and where possible address training needs withregard to relevant legislative and technical matters acrossrepresented authorities.•To advise county environmental health management groups onthe implications of new legislation and other relevant matters. •To examine and report on any other matter referred by countymanagement groups or other relevant authorities. REPRESENTATION: - To achieve maximum benefit, TVEPAG considers that the mostsuitable delegate, dependent on operational responsibility and thesubject matter under discussion, should represent each authority.Ideally, in the interests of consistency, this delegate should attend allmeetings. This policy was formed throughout the year. 16 authorities within Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire arerepresented on TVEPAG and include: - BerkshireBracknell Forest DCReading BC Slough BC West Berkshire DC Windsor & Maidenhead DC Wokingham DC BuckinghamshireAylesbury Vale DC Chiltern DC Milton Keynes CSouth Buckinghamshire DC Wycombe DC OxfordshireCherwell DC Oxford CC South Oxfordshire DC Vale of White Horse DC West Oxfordshire DC